Friday, April 3, 2020

Positive COVID Picture

I have far too much free time and nowhere to go to spend it. SO I had time to do some cooking and made this cobbler. I deviated from the recipe a bit by adding A LITTLE more of the ingredients that add to the flaver. Namly the vanilla extract cinnamon and then added some sugar cane molasses at the last moment. The end result was this and it was FREAKING AMAZING! 
This is a positive outcome from the changes of COVID-19 because it has given me time to try new recipes and experiment in the kitchen.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

                                    *How the outbreak is affecting my life.*

I have been forced to stay in my place in the group home. It is predicted that we will be staying in for at least two weeks. I am NOT looking forward to that because i been stuck at home for two weeks before. The first week i was sick so I was not allowed out of my room the whole time.  So I was already eager to get out of the house. The Second week the driveway was froze over and I was DESPERATE to get out of the house. At least I am healthy this time even if we are not allowed out of the house even to shop for our own personal supplies. Like snacks or garden stuff.

At least i got some fellow weirdos to hang out with!

And some non humans ones when i get sick of em.